Southwest Regional Chapter of
American Association of Physicists in Medicine
Arkansas – Louisiana – Oklahoma - Texas

Julianne Pollard-Larkin - President
Bethany Broekhaven - President Elect
Arjit Baghwala - Past President
Joe Dugas - Board Member/Chapter Representative
Kenneth Matthews - Treasurer
Sara Thrower - Secretary
SWAAPM 2019 Officers
Brent Parker - President
Joseph Dugas - President Elect
Christopher Baird - Past President
Aaron Jones - Board Member/Chapter Representative
Steven McCullough - Treasurer
Leland Page - Secretary
SWAAPM 2018 Officers
Christopher Baird - President
Brent Parker - President Elect
Dustin Gress - Past President
Aaron Jones - Board Member/Chapter Representative
Steven McCullough - Treasurer
Leland Page - Secretary
SWAAPM 2017 Officers
Dustin Gress- President
Christopher Baird - President Elect
Kip Matthews - Past President
Russell Tarver - Board Member/Chapter Representative
Steven McCullough - Treasurer
Brent Parker - Secretary
SWAAPM 2016 Officers
Kenneth Matthews - President
Dustin Gress - President Elect
Rajat Kudchadker - Past President
Russell Tarver - Board Member/Chapter Representative
Steven McCullough - Treasurer
Brent Parker - Secretary
SWAAPM 2015 Officers
Rajat Kudchadker - President
Kenneth Matthews - President Elect
Nikos Papanikolaou - Past President
Russell Tarver - Board Member/Chapter Representative
Steven McCullough - Treasurer
Dustin Gress - Secretary
SWAAPM 2014 Officers
Nikos Papanikolaou - President
Rajat Kudchadker - President Elect
Omar Zeidan - Past President
Russell Tarver - Board Member/Chapter Representative
Steven McCullough - Treasurer
Dustin Gress - Secretary
SWAAPM 2025 Officers
Julianne Pollard-Larkin - President
Bethany Broekhaven- President Elect
Arjit Baghwala - Past President
Joe Dugas - Board Member/Chapter Representative
Kenneth Matthews - Treasurer
Sara Thrower - Secretary
SWAAPM 2024 Officers
Arjit Baghwala - President
Julianne Pollard-Larkin- President Elect
Adam Melancon - Past President
Joe Dugas - Board Member/Chapter Representative
Kenneth Matthews - Treasurer
Sara Thrower - Secretary
SWAAPM 2023 Officers
Adam Melancon - President
Arjit Baghwala - President Elect
Raj Mitra - Past President
Julianne Pollard-Larkin - Board Member/Chapter Representative
Kenneth Matthews - Treasurer
David Solis - Secretary
SWAAPM 2022 Officers
Raj Mitra - President
Adam Melancon - President Elect
Leland Page - Past President
Julianne Pollard-Larkin - Board Member/Chapter Representative
Kenneth Matthews - Treasurer
David Solis - Secretary
SWAAPM 2021 Officers
Leland Page - President
Raj Mitra - President Elect
Joseph Dugas - Past President
Julianne Pollard-Larkin - Board Member/Chapter Representative
Kenneth Matthews - Treasurer
Bobby Mathews - Secretary
SWAAPM 2020 Officers
Joseph Dugas - President
Leland Page - President Elect
Brent Parker - Past President
Aaron Jones - Board Member/Chapter Representative
Kenneth Matthews - Treasurer
Bobby Mathews - Secretary