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SWAAPM Committees

Corporate Membership Committee


Develop and foster relationships with vendors that through corporate support can sponsor some of the activities of the chapter (annual meeting, educational webinars, young investigator symposium awards etc.) Please contact the committee chair, Russ Tarver for any questions or to volunteer in this committee

CAMPEP Coordination Committee


Oversee the efforts for education credit of the chapter activities such as CME and SAM. Please contact the committee chair, Brent Parker for any questions or to volunteer in this committee

Meeting Coordination Committee


Will assist the president elect and the annual chapter meeting local arrangements chair with organizing our annual meeting. Please contact the chapter vice president, Niko Papanikolaou for any questions or to volunteer in this

Communications and IT Committee


Enrich and maintain our website and introduce additional means of communication (blog, twitter etc). Please contact the committee chair and our webmaster, Yulong Yan for any questions or to volunteer in this committee

AAPM History Poster Committee


Maintain and enrich the AAPM history poster that our chapter presents at the AAPM annual mtg every year. Please contact the committee chair, Rajat Kudchadker for any questions or to volunteer in this committee

Nominations Committee


Will receive and review recommendations from the membership for nominating members to elected positions, including nominations to the national AAPM (such as for the AAPM board and fellow of AAPM). Please contact the committee chair, Kyle Antes for any questions or to volunteer in this committee

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