Southwest Regional Chapter of
American Association of Physicists in Medicine
Arkansas – Louisiana – Oklahoma - Texas

SW AAPM membership dues are now handled through the national AAPM website. If you have not already paid your chapter dues, you can pay them on the national chapters website.
The 2025 SWAAPM annual meeting will be held on February 13-15th at Hilton Hotel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The meeting program will be available closer to the meeting date. To register for the meeting, navigate to the "register now" section (top-right) of the event website: https://site.pheedloop.com/event/SWAAPM2025/home/.
Join the discussion and catch future announcements on the new Facebook group page: www.facebook.com/groups/SWAAPM We're also on Twitter! (@swaapm)
For CAMPEP CE credit: You must complete the meeting evaluation. It will be available at the annual meeting.